Saturday, November 10, 2007

Its the oddest thing, working a low carb diet, the food is great and nutritious and oddly enough: pretty much all the stuff I like to eat. Lots of meat, fish, eggs and vegetables. I do miss cereal, bread and potatoes, I really? Thing is, I ate bread all the time, ALL the time and it was enraging: compared to now, just how one feels hungry so soon after eating a huge dollop of bread.

I learned to eat, all wrong. Avoiding all sorts of things I shouldn't have been avoiding and eating all the things I shouldn't.

So: I've started to lose a few pounds and without doubt, I have no feelings of hunger. I get the occasional passion for this or that, of course, but I can't get Brusters Ice Cream here in the UK and there is no such thing as proper Mexican food, either. So that's out.

Here's a couple I did this week that worked pretty good, low in carb, fat and all sorts, but reasonably nutritious and filling.

Trout Soup

Mackerel Salad

Beef Scramble


Sangeeta Sinha said...

Hi, I am Sangeeta of Visit my site, comment, suggest and do not forget to subscribe.

Hey, let me tell you a secret. There is nothing like high carb, low carb and what not others say. Eat everything but in limited quantities. Like you are having meat curry, have just one piece of meat (no matter how you crave for more pieces) and 3/4 spoons of gravy. Like this. I eat everything under the sun and yet, at the age of 45, I am doing fine with 72 kgs (I am 5ft 8in in height). Try out; you will be fit.

ctdweller said...

Hi there,

trout soup and mackerel salad, I can figure that out but beef scramble? i assume this comes with egg and the beef is corned or shredded and is it processed?

the soup I guess goes with the usual: celery, carrots and potatoes, shallots, etc., and bits and pieces of trout which has been pre-cooked plus of course the stock. That should be good.

mackerel is that canned too or fresh?

i hope you do well with healthy eating. i believe it should be done in a non-stressful way.
