Sunday, September 23, 2018


Okay. This is very uncomfortable for me to write. It being some of the history and the current state of affairs, none of which are very pleasant. Why am I writing it? Well, perhaps if people read what happened to me, they can learn something and amend their own conduct.
Today, I am packing to leave tomorrow, having been ejected by my spouse. Completely justifiably, she has become so disgusted by my drinking and bad behavior over the last 15 years, she’s had enough. I’ve tried to convince her to let me stay and that I have quit drinking….that would make things a great deal easier for me, not least because my fiscal position is so poor I am nervous beyond words about living outside the home…but she is unrelenting and tomorrow I go.
If I prove to her I can stay dry, she will consider having me back. Perhaps not under the same affections of the past. She has told me that she has lost respect for me and it’s quite clear that there is a deal of anger that I have caused. All my fault.
Okay…that is todays bulletin so far. I will try to write after the AA meeting of this evening. 